
Can't finish jobs

Being idle, I have been studying how to build a menu by pure CSS and javascript. The process is undergoing for a week. I thought I'd finished it, but it turned out I need a full objectize menu for calculations. I can't finish it! It is certain that there are many such scripts on the web. Very frustrated. Lucky that I'm not told to do so, so there is no deadline for it.

Last week I wore the only old trousers. I got fat accumulated on my waist, and wearing the old trousers was very uncomfortable. I knew that I might need to wear it again soon, but I didn't buy one until yesterday. Because the trousers were needed this morning, I couldn't ask for trimming. They were 9-10cm too long. I fold the extra up inside, then sew them loosely so that they wouldn't drop down. It worked!

Today's meeting was quite useless. Not many important decision were made. I wanted to arrive at the office first, for putting down my stuff, before going to the client's office. But when I put up the trousers I forgot that the ends were loosely sewn. I heard sounds of thread-breaking and of course one end broke. Mama fixed it quickly, but that had caused me tens of minutes of time. When I arrived at Hong Kong MTR Station I knew that I would be late if I arrived at the office first. So I went directly to the client's office. Actually I passed the road junction which was 1 minute of walk to my office. The lunch box that I brought had to be thrown away, giving that it had been out of the refrigerator for 4 hours. I even noticed the smell when it was opened.

Tonight I'll play table-tennis, so I have to bring sports outfits as well. This makes my backpack very full.

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