









很久沒有寫東西。最近工作很緊張﹐案頭的事好像總做不完似的。好在不用加班。只是每天緊張幾小時後﹐下班時已經累得要命。 回家後已經沒有精神幹甚麼。Bear轉工以後忙多了﹐常要加班﹐很難跟他打網球。常說要早點起床﹐一如以往仍是睡到最後一刻。換了新電腦﹐快幾倍。屏幕卻離眼睛近了﹐身體也少了活動﹐弄得頸痛。看了兩次醫生﹐回復到從前的狀態﹐即是不是大痛﹐而是有一點痛。



Broadband modem壞了﹐上網要拉線到二家姐房﹐很麻煩。卻因此而多看書﹐少對著電腦﹐也好。所以不太熱中於解決這個問題。剛好yahoo mail又把郵箱容量從6MB加到100MB﹐不用忙著把電郵下載。缺點是要找資料時不可即時上網﹐要等到上班才可﹐上班時多數又忘記了。不少活動因而錯過。












當時 Pantene Pro V 洗頭水是新產品﹐廣告中的女聲說它有「維他命原B5(留意B5是用英文諗的)。雖然我唔知佢係乜野﹐不過佢真係幫到我」。這個廣告打破了「這產品有ABC﹐可促進XYZ的發展」的公式。它指出觀眾並不須要知道那些名字奇怪的物質是甚麼﹐有甚麼功效(廣告連B5的功效是甚麼也沒有提及)。它毫不含糊地顛覆了婉轉的公式﹐直接地帶出它的訊息。自此以後同類型的廣告沒有一個能超越它。



















Summer is leaving

I don't feel well today. I must have had too little sleep. And the cup of coffee at lunch worsened the case.

I have recently been doing a clickthrough, which is a simple version of the website that I'm going to build soon. It is a routine job that bores me very much.

It is end of August, two months after Summer solstice. The sky is already navy when I'm off duty. Taking a shower at night gradually becomes not very comfortable. Blown by the fan through the night, I sometimes feel cold in the morning. Oh no, summer is leaving!

Many ones prefer Autumn, calling it the most romantic season. I do not like Autumn not because I do not enjoy its pleasant weather. It is that when Autumn has come, Winter will not be far, while Summer will not return till a year later. Sweating is not comfortable, but by sweating one feels concretely one's own existing. Rolling up the body in chilling Winter is a comprimise of life.








Can't finish jobs

Being idle, I have been studying how to build a menu by pure CSS and javascript. The process is undergoing for a week. I thought I'd finished it, but it turned out I need a full objectize menu for calculations. I can't finish it! It is certain that there are many such scripts on the web. Very frustrated. Lucky that I'm not told to do so, so there is no deadline for it.

Last week I wore the only old trousers. I got fat accumulated on my waist, and wearing the old trousers was very uncomfortable. I knew that I might need to wear it again soon, but I didn't buy one until yesterday. Because the trousers were needed this morning, I couldn't ask for trimming. They were 9-10cm too long. I fold the extra up inside, then sew them loosely so that they wouldn't drop down. It worked!

Today's meeting was quite useless. Not many important decision were made. I wanted to arrive at the office first, for putting down my stuff, before going to the client's office. But when I put up the trousers I forgot that the ends were loosely sewn. I heard sounds of thread-breaking and of course one end broke. Mama fixed it quickly, but that had caused me tens of minutes of time. When I arrived at Hong Kong MTR Station I knew that I would be late if I arrived at the office first. So I went directly to the client's office. Actually I passed the road junction which was 1 minute of walk to my office. The lunch box that I brought had to be thrown away, giving that it had been out of the refrigerator for 4 hours. I even noticed the smell when it was opened.

Tonight I'll play table-tennis, so I have to bring sports outfits as well. This makes my backpack very full.


Seeing client tomorrow

The first time for months I'm going to see the client tomorrow. I may be unfitted to my only trousers.


People don't do outdoor activities

Every weekend I ask people to go to the beach. It used to be camping, but giving the hot weather camping isn't a good idea. I keep routinely asking, people keep routinely declining. What a waste staying indoors while the sun is shining. What a waste not going to the beach which are so near to the city. I should have gone by myself. I did sometimes.





The right-back wisdom tooth constantly causes trouble for years. Recently I often go to sleep without brushing teeth. Is my tooth holed?


What a night

There are thieves everywhere. One attempted to open the front zip of my backpack. The zip was a waterproof one, so it is hard to open. The thief gave up after opened one inch. Ha, poor thief.

I got my mom's mobile handset. A rather old and heavy Nokia. But it is a Nokia! The navigation is good as always.

At 9:30pm I was sleepy. I went to bed, hoping to get up at 10:10pm. The new handset had been set to alarm at that time, but either I didn't hear it or it didn't sound. I woke up at 4am. The air is so fresh, the sky so clear, the road so calm. I read for one hour, then felt tired. My intention of jogging failed again.

My hair is long. I need hair cut this week.

Another typhoon is coming. It may be coming very close to Hong Kong. The F2 boards have all been reserved in Tai Mei Tuk. I had no choice but to book a raceboard.


Have something to do

I've done something unmeaningless in the office. This is already an archivement!

Too many books

This year I have bought too many books. I can't finish them. I don't even remember that I've bought some of them. How to stay alert at night, after a day's work? I always fall asleep in the sofa when reading. And in the morning I can't get up. I do wake up most of the time, but am always lazy to get up.


Forgot to apply for water activities

Once more I forgot to dial at 8:30am to apply for water activities courses. This time I didn't recall it till afternoon. There are only 5 hours to go and I'll be qualified for higher level courses. I don't have a single course this summer!

Mobile dies completely

After my Nokia has been stolen, I am using the old
handhset which Gladys gave me when I was dead poor.
Its battery has always had problem. Fully charged and
it couldn't survive one day. But today it couldn't be
charged at all. Two or three hours later, it switched
off automatically. I wanted to wait for my sister's
since she expressed she wanted to change it. Now I
think I can't wait that long but have to buy a handset anyway.


核心價值 => 特質


I don't like music

It's a shame that I have no affection for music. I don't feel anything special when listening a song. Filmmakers nowadays often put music in films just because they want to sell OST. The films I love are those with little sound. I'm not talking about silent films.

Byebye to Hoiying

A friend whom I knew when I was studying in Antibes is heading towards home in Germany. I don't know if we'll see each other again. Byebye and good luck!

中庸之道 / 止於至善


I finally have something to say

To build a blog site is so easy. I always want to practise my writing. Here I have the chance.